Refund Policy

Do I get a refund?

Yes, we give you a refund if you’re not a 100% satisfied with our resources, or if you think our printable or online worksheets are not relevant to you, or if you have changed your mind.

What is the time limit for a refund request to be considered?

At, we offer a seven-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked. Mail your request within seven days to get a 100% refund.

How do I initiate a refund request?

To start the refund process, simply send an email from your registered email-id to Alternatively, you can initiate a refund request using the Contact US form.

What happens if I make a request after the time limit (Seven days)?

Requests made after seven days are not entitled to a refund. Your membership will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle, and you are welcome to take full advantage of your account until that time.

How do I get a refund when I make multiple payments?

We generally initiate a refund as soon as we notice a double payment from the same email-id. You may also mail in your request for a refund if you have accidentally paid twice or used two different email-ids to make the payment.

Is the time-limit clause applicable to refund of multiple payments?

No, the time-limit clause is not applicable to multiple payments. If you realize you accidentally paid twice, you may mail in to us so we can initiate the refund immediately. We will do so even if you are halfway through the subscription period. You may either opt for a refund or enjoy an extended subscription.

Do I get multiple refunds?

If you purchased a membership and got a refund once, you will be allowed to purchase a membership again. However, you will not be eligible for another refund.

Will I get a refund if I am unable to download or print the worksheets?

Problems in downloading or printing worksheets may seldom occur. If the material or worksheet fails to download or print, kindly follow the steps below:

The worksheets on Tutoring Hour are in PDF format.

You will need an Adobe Reader to view the worksheets.

If your computer doesn't have an Adobe Reader installed, you can download it here. Adobe Reader

Open the PDF file. Then click on File on the top left-hand corner. Click on Print.

Customize the printing options as per your requirements.

Refund is not applicable on a download or print issue in case of any eventualities.

Will I get a refund if there are errors in the printable or online worksheets?

While we are committed to do as complete a quality check as possible on our printable and online worksheets, it’s human to err, and we will be glad to correct any mistakes found and provide you with a revised version at the earliest. However, no refund will be given.

When can I expect the refund?

We will initiate the refund as soon as we receive your request. It may take 5 to 10 business days for the refund to reflect in your account.

How do I contact you about the refund?

You may get in touch with us at if you need any assistance or have any queries related to the refund process.