Rocks and Minerals Worksheets

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  2. Rocks and Minerals

Our free, printable rocks and minerals worksheets dig deep underground to reveal the geological marvels that make up the Earth's crust. Apart from identifying, naming, and learning the features of the three types of rocks, namely igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, this collection also prompts kids to focus on minerals and their significance.

These rocks and minerals worksheets pdf are perfect for learners in grade 2 through grade 8.

Identifying Types of Rocks

Direct young learners to recall the distinct set of features that sets each type of rock apart, as they discern whether each rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.

Identifying Types of Rocks

Sorting Types of Rocks

Highlighting the commonalities in appearance among rocks of the same type, this cut-and-glue pdf requires grade 3 and grade 4 kids to classify the rocks into their types.

Sorting Types of Rocks

Labeling Rocks

Simplicity is profound, as seen in this part of our printable rocks and minerals worksheets, where 2nd grade and 3rd grade kids look at pictures of rocks and name them.

Labeling Rocks

Recognizing Rocks | Cut and Glue

The quicker your child connects the picture to the name of the rock, the faster they'll sail through this pdf on cutting out and gluing rock pictures beside rock names.

Recognizing Rocks - Cut and Glue

Matching Minerals to Objects

Marvel at the myriad uses of minerals in this worksheet that features a matching activity for 4th grade and 5th grade children to learn the practical applications of minerals.

Matching Minerals to Objects

Rocks and Their Features | Cut and Glue

The process of formation, the percentage of the crust covered, and the distinctive textures are some of the features explicated in this section of our types of rocks worksheets.

Rocks and Their Features - Cut and Glue

Types of Rocks Chart

Crisp, comprehensive, and illustrated with examples, this printable chart lists out the characteristics and subtypes of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

Types of Rocks Chart

Checking the Types of Rocks

Adding variety to this assortment is an exercise that is equal parts efficient and exciting. Instruct children to identify the type of each rock and check the correct answer.

Checking the Types of Rocks

Answering Questions about Minerals

Enthrall grade 5 and grade 6 kids with a great deal of mineral magic in this pdf worksheet, where the task is for them to read the information and answer the questions.

Answering Questions about Minerals

Completing Statements on Properties of Rocks

A handy table detailing the properties of the three types of rocks is exactly what's on display in this exercise. Get 6th grade and 7th grade kids to complete the statements that follow.

Completing Statements on Properties of Rocks

Identifying Minerals from Their features

One of the main attractions of our printable rocks and minerals worksheets, this segment expects grade 7 kids to deduce each mineral by observing its characteristic features.

Identifying Minerals from Their features

Answering Questions on Mohs Hardness Scale

Let 8th grade students witness how minerals rank in terms of their texture. Observe the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness, take in the information, and take on the questions.

Answering Questions on Mohs Hardness Scale