Decomposing Fractions Worksheets

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  2. Pre-Algebra >
  3. Fractions >
  4. Decomposing Fractions

Inspire children to rise above excellence through our free decomposing fractions worksheets and delight their minds with abundant practice in fraction decomposition. These printable resources help students gain a solid understanding of breaking down fractions into smaller parts. The young learners can practically recognize and learn that a whole can be decomposed in multiple ways and will choose from a variety of tasks involving decomposition of fractions to challenge their newfound learning.

Our pdf fraction decomposition worksheets are suitable for 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students.

Decomposing Fractions Using Visual Models

Juggle between purpose and ingenuity as you decompose fractions! Thanks to the visual models, the worksheet will pass off easily, and you'll answer the problems proficiently, while displaying your understanding of fraction decomposition!

Decomposing Fractions Using Visual Models

Decomposing Fractions into Unit Fractions

Splitting larger fractions into unit fractions is by far the easiest way of breaking them. These printable resources focus on the decomposition of fractions by unit fractions through and through, so children can write 2/3, for example, as 1/3 + 1/3.

Decomposing Fractions into Unit Fractions

Decomposing Fractions in Multiple Ways | Worksheet #1

Watch the grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5 students morph into world-class mathematicians specialized in decomposing fractions as they, in this free assessment sheet, surprise you by finding the set of fractions that adds up to the given fraction.

Decomposing Fractions in Multiple Ways 1

Decomposing Fractions in Multiple Ways | Worksheet #2

Finesse this pdf worksheet by finding multiple ways of expressing fractions. If the fraction decomposition becomes overwhelming, which going by your standards is unlikely, use the included answer key to get a hint or to simply validate your answer.

Decomposing Fractions in Multiple Ways 2