Number of Terms in a Finite Arithmetic Series Worksheets

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  4. Number of Terms

Our pdf worksheets run rings around much of the rest of the material online when it comes to finding the number of terms in a finite arithmetic series! The printable resources in this collection feature scores of exercises for finding the number of terms (n) when the first term, common difference, and last term are given; and finding n when the arithmetic series is given. Featuring rational and irrational numbers, our finite arithmetic series worksheets are all set to help build a concrete foundation for smart learners!

We suggest these free worksheets for the 8th grade and high school students.

Finding the Number of Terms If a, d, and l Are Given | Worksheet #1

Can the students find the number of terms (n) in a series when the first term, the last term, and the common difference are given? Check whether they can correctly calculate the number of terms in the series using this pdf.

Finding the Number of Terms - Arithmetic Series 1

Finding the Number of Terms If a, d, and l Are Given | Worksheet #2

Finding n is no head-scratcher! Simply use the formula n = (l - a)/d + 1, where l is the last term, a is the first term, and d is the common difference. Plug in the given values in the formula and solve for n.

Finding the Number of Terms - Arithmetic Series 2

Number of Terms in an Arithmetic Series | Summation Notation

Say goodbye to confusion and welcome clarity in the skill of finding the number of terms in an arithmetic series in sigma notation. Stay head and shoulders above your peers with heightened knowledge using this section of our free practice resources!

Number of Terms in an Arithmetic Series | Summation Notation

Finding the Number of Terms of the Given Finite Series | Worksheet #1

Watch grade 8 and high school children blow you away with a gift for impeccable math as they work their way through finite series involving rational and irrational numbers and calculate the number of terms with skill.

Finding the Number of Terms of the Finite Arithmetic Series 1

Finding the Number of Terms of the Given Finite Series | Worksheet #2

Take a look at the following: 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + ... 32. How easily you find the number of terms in the series? Follow the steps in this free resource and keep up with consistent practice so mastery of this topic will seldom elude you!

Finding the Number of Terms of the Finite Arithmetic Series 2