Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers Worksheets

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  5. Fractions and Whole Numbers

Our free worksheets on dividing fractions and whole numbers mark a quantum leap in division of fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions! If you're digging around for multifaceted study materials that will at once make excellent in-class assignments, homework, and assessment tasks, you're in the right place. The problems include dividing both proper and improper fractions by whole numbers. A quotient that is an improper fraction is converted to mixed numbers upon simplification. Use the answer key to check your solutions.

These pdf dividing fractions with whole numbers worksheets are ideal for students in grade 5 and grade 6.

Dividing Unit Fractions with Whole Numbers

Students will get target practice as they find the quotient by dividing whole numbers by unit fractions and unit fractions by whole numbers here.

Dividing Unit Fractions with Whole Numbers

Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers

Put your prepping session in intense mode with this pdf set on dividing fractions by whole numbers. To solve these problems, you'll need to perform division of proper as well as improper fractions by whole numbers.

Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers

Dividing Whole Numbers by Fractions

Dividing whole numbers by fractions requires turning the fraction upside down and multiplying it with the whole number. Be bang-on with your preparation and follow the steps so the exercise will pass off without any trouble!

Dividing Whole Numbers by Fractions

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers

Watch a medley of exercises on dividing whole numbers by fractions and fractions by whole numbers bunch up together in these pdfs in an urge to help 5th grade and 6th grade students obtain the quotients without hindrance.

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers | With Word Problems

Plug into these printable worksheets to practice dividing fractions by whole numbers and vice versa. Put to use this exclusive practice set, which comes with an added advantage of word problems along with standard sums.

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers - With Word Problems

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers Word Problems - Customary

Knowing how much you have progressed in a topic is as important as progressing itself. Print this resource and practice dividing fractions and whole numbers through intriguing word problems involving customary units.

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers Word Problems - Customary

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers Word Problems - Metric

If you're hoping to divide fractions by whole numbers like a breeze, you must practice hard. Work on the word problems in this printable tool to understand the real-life application of the concept.

Dividing Fractions and Whole Numbers Word Problems - Metric