Slope and Y-Intercept of a Line Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Algebra >
  3. Equation of a Line >
  4. Finding Slope and Y-Intercept

Navigate through this assortment of finding the slope and y-intercept worksheets to find the slope and y-intercept of the equation of a line. The worksheets contain topics like finding the slope and y-intercept of the linear equations expressed graphically and algebraically.

These free worksheets are designed for grade 7 and grade 8 students.

Find the Slope and Y-Intercept from the Equation

Grab hold of these grade 7 pdf worksheets to facilitate rigorous practice with finding the slope and y-intercept from linear equations. Compare the equations with the slope-intercept form to find the slope and y-intercept.

Find the Slope and Intercept from the Linear Equation

Take advantage of this bunch of grade 8 printable worksheets and instantly better your skills in finding the slope and y-intercept of equations expressed in different forms.

Find the Slope and Intercept from the Graph

Learn to find the slope and y-intercept of the equation of a line plotted on a graph with this set of pdf worksheets prepared for 7th-grade and 8th-grade students. Keenly observe each graph and pen down the slope and y-intercept.