Counting Backward by 3s Worksheets

Is skip count backward by 3s something you’re hoping to give your tiny tots lots of help and support in? Count on our free printable worksheets, and you won’t just survive but will thrive. A complex-yet-indispensable math skill, backward counting is the driving force behind mental math. It also has immense potential to enhance the subtracting life of many a struggling young learner. You’ll find every task in this reverse counting compilation not just brimming but exploding with fever-pitch skip-counting action. Featuring multiples of 3, these exercises require students to count backward by subtracting 3 from the preceding number. By the end of the day, they complete the number sequences, fill in the missing numbers on the flowers, and complete the number lines. Use the answer keys to validate answers.

These pdf worksheets are authored by math experts for students in grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3.

Counting Backward by 3s