Equivalent Fractions Using Visual Models Worksheets

  1. Math >
  2. Pre-Algebra >
  3. Fractions >
  4. Equivalent >
  5. Visual Models

It won't take long for our free worksheets on equivalent fractions using visual models to take off as students' favorite destination and therefore to be revisited again and again. The tasks that the child is going to breeze through in these pdfs include comparing pairs of fraction models using = or ≠ on area models, writing the equivalent-fraction sentence for each pair of fraction bars, and shading the tape diagrams for the given equivalent fractions. Remember to double-check the answers using the included answer key.

Our printable resources are suited for grade 3 and grade 4 students.

Writing Equivalent or Not Equivalent Using Models | Worksheet #1

The idea is to get learners charged up as they study the area models and figure whether the pairs of fractions represented there are equivalent or not. This worksheet is an ode to understanding equivalent fractions!

Writing Equivalent or Not Equivalent Using Models 1

Writing Equivalent or Not Equivalent Using Models | Worksheet #2

This interactive pdf featuring pie models leaves 3rd grade and 4th grade kids aspiring for more. Utilizing this circular visual model to express fractions makes it easy to analyze and find whether the illustrated fractions are equal or unequal.

Writing Equivalent or Not Equivalent Using Models 2

Writing Equivalent Fractions Using Visual Models | Worksheet #1

Count the shaded parts in the illustrations, and write down the equivalent fractions they represent. With oodles of prepping now at your fingertips, turning from greenhorns to scholars with bags of talent is a cinch!

Writing Equivalent Fractions Using Visual Models 1

Writing Equivalent Fractions Using Visual Models | Worksheet #2

Dive headfirst into this printable assessment worksheet, and write the equivalent fraction sentence for each pair of fraction bars. Upskill yourself to figure how to write equivalent fractions given the visual tools.

Writing Equivalent Fractions Using Visual Models 2

Representing Equivalent Fractions Using Models | Worksheet #1

The knowledge one acquires best shines when tested! It's important one has access to the perfect testing material, though! Fire children's enthusiasm by tasking them with shading the tape diagrams for the given equivalent fractions.

Representing Equivalent Fractions Using Models 1

Representing Equivalent Fractions Using Models | Worksheet #2

Equivalent fractions delivered in the simplest yet the most effective way, this free practice tool requires grade 3 and grade 4 children to represent equivalent fractions by coloring parts of the tape bars correctly.

Representing Equivalent Fractions Using Models 2