Surface Area of Cubes Worksheets

Access our exclusive collection of free, printable surface area of cube worksheets, which offer extensive practice in using the given side length to find the measure of the total area that the surface of the cube occupies. Here you will find pdf exercises featuring cubes with integers, decimals, and fractional dimensions. These engaging surface area of cube worksheets are all you need to spruce things up for your students!

This pdf resource is meticulously designed for grade 6, grade 7, and grade 8 students.

Select the Measurement Units

Surface Area of Cubes with Integer Side Lengths

This set of pdf worksheets guarantee that 6th grade children will no longer struggle with the concept of surface area of a cube. Simply plug the side length, in the formula SA= 6s2, and compute the surface area of each cube in a breeze.

Surface Area of Cubes with Integer Side Lengths - Customary

Surface Area of Cubes with Fractional Side Lengths

Make 7th grade students feel at home with these surface area of cube worksheets, where the side length is presented as fractions. Convert the mixed fraction to improper if required, square the side length, and multiply by 6.

Surface Area of Cubes with Fractional Side Lengths - Customary

Surface Area of Cubes with Decimal Side Lengths

Forge ahead with this collection of printable worksheets on finding the surface area of cubes, ideal for 8th grade children. Substitute the decimal side length in the surface area of a cube formula and evaluate.

Surface Area of Cubes with Decimal Side Lengths - Customary