2-Digit Place Value Worksheets

A stepping stone to mastery in place value, our free printable 2-digit place value worksheets help kids understand how the digits in a number can change values as per the place they are in. The pdfs include decomposing (breaking down) numbers into tens and ones, finding the value of underlined digits, reading and writing 2-digit numbers in standard and expanded forms, counting numbers formed by the abacus and base-ten blocks, and more.

These place value of 2-digit numbers worksheets are ideal for children from kindergarten to grade 3.

Decompose Numbers into Tens and Ones

To decompose numbers into tens and ones, students must break down 2-digit numbers as per the place value. Our pdf worksheets, a hive of activity, work best for kindergarten and 1st grade.

Decompose Numbers into Tens and Ones

Bundles of Tens and Ones

Plug into our printable worksheets for a bounty of illustrations with bundles and sticks to give kids of grade 1 scads of instant practice in recognizing the place value of 2-digit numbers with precision.

Bundles of Tens and Ones

Reading 2-Digit Numbers | Abacus

With abacus on board, reading 2-digit numbers is a real hoot! The exercises involve numbers up to 99. Learn to read the ones and tens in each exercise and write the 2-digit number represented on the abacus.

Reading 2-Digit Numbers - Abacus

Identifying 2-Digit Numbers by Blocks

Excellent place value skills are the hallmark of brilliant learners! Instantly elevate the practice sessions of young learners, with these handouts featuring place value blocks that represent the ones and tens places of a number.

Identifying 2-Digit Numbers by Blocks

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Words

These number names worksheets for grade 2 kids makes learning efficient. Observe the digits in the ones and tens places of the numbers and name them accordingly. Learning grows by leaps and bounds!

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Words

Values of the Underlined Digits

Practice recognizing place value to your heart's content! In the first section, observe and write the values of the underlined digits. In the second, let your place value skills further flourish with some MCQs.

Values of the Underlined Digits - 2-Digit

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Standard Form

The place values of the digits in the ones and tens places are presented as addends in the addition expression. Write the digits in the appropriate places and convert the expression into standard form. Best for 2nd grade.

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Standard Form

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form

Watch students steadily progress to excel at writing 2-digit numbers in expanded form! Break the number into tens and ones, and write the value of the digit according to its place value. Ideal for 2nd grade.

Writing 2-Digit Numbers in Expanded Form

Comparing 2-Digit Numbers

Be at your place-valuing best when it comes to 2-digit numbers and compare them like a pro! Find engaging exercises involving alligator snouts, words, and symbols. Also train yourself to identify the greatest and smallest numbers.

Comparing 2-Digit Numbers

Ordering 2-Digit Numbers

Fine-tune your ordering skills with these engaging pdf worksheets! Let 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade kids study the tens and ones places of numbers up to 99 and order them from least to greatest and vice versa.

Ordering 2-Digit Numbers

Rounding 2-Digit Numbers

Avail these printable worksheets and watch kids in grade 3 fluently round off 2-digit numbers. This super-effective pdf resource tests children's rounding skills with numbers and word problems.

Rounding 2-Digit Numbers