5th Grade Language Arts Worksheets
Set the stage for learning with our free, printable 5th grade language arts worksheets. Prepare children to use correlative conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, and perfect verb tenses. Help them identify shifts in verb tenses, use commas in a series, learn the meaning of Greek and Latin prefixes, interpret figurative language, draw inferences, make predictions, and much more.
Select Grade 5 ELA Worksheets by Topic
Explore Fifth Grade Reading and Writing Worksheets
Firmly grasp the thread of the cause-and-effect connections at play in these worksheets, shuffle up the jumbled causes and effects, pair them logically, and rewrite the sentences.
Write 1, 2, 3, and 4 to indicate with ease the order of events in each set presented in these pdf reading and writing worksheets for 5th grade children.
Two-Syllable and Three-Syllable Words in Passages
Shade the words with two syllables yellow, and shade the words with three syllables blue as and when you come across them in each short passage.
Writing an Effect for Each Cause
Read each cause and write a relevant effect it can potentially lead to in this part of our printable grade 5 reading and writing worksheets.
Identifying Correct Pairs of Guide Words
Take the help of a dictionary wherever necessary, and choose the appropriate pair of guide words for each of the given entry words.
Identifying Errors in Sentences & Writing the Number of Errors
Point out the errors by making use of the relevant proofreading marks, and don't forget to write how many errors of each type there are.
Apart from getting to know interesting facts, children also learn to form their own opinions about the underlined words in these grade 5 reading and writing worksheets pdf.
Pick up on the clues offered by each description to help you figure out the place being talked about, and write your inference in the blank.
Completing Scenarios with Predictions
Revel in the burst of creativity offered by each story, predict what happens next, and choose the option that completes the last sentence.
Take help from the pictures given to logically order the steps involved in various recipes and write them in the correct sequence.
Splitting Double Consonant Words into Syllables
Carefully divide the double consonant words into the syllables they are composed of in these 5th grade reading and writing worksheets pdf.
Choosing Appropriate Effects for Causes
Take in the details of each scenario described here and use contextual clues to arrive at the option that represents the correct effect.
Is It a Fact or an Opinion? | Checking the Boxes
Absorb the essence of each sentence, figure out whether it expresses a fact or an opinion, and check the correct box to make a pattern.
Matching Meanings of Dictionary Abbreviations
Leaf through your favorite dictionary to figure out what each abbreviation stands for and match it to the correct word or phrase here.
Writing an Inference for Each Context
Think of an inference to fit each context and write it in the lines given in these printable reading and writing worksheets for grade 5.