5th Grade Vocabulary Worksheets

Make the most of our free, printable 5th grade vocabulary worksheets, home to a host of topics like Greek and Latin affixes and roots, synonyms and antonyms, and more. Instruct kids to answer these worksheets and watch their vocabulary grow by leaps and bounds.

Identifying Greek/Latin Roots & Writing the Meaning of Roots

Isolate the Greek or Latin root that features in each word, figure out what it means, and write the word and the meaning in the space given.

Writing the Missing Word with Similar Meaning

Think of a word that has a meaning similar to the words in each group and write it in the blank to complete these 5th grade vocabulary worksheets pdf.

Forming Nouns Using Suffixes

Create brand-new words, all of whom happen to be nouns, by adding at the end of each given word a suitable suffix from the word box on top.

Replacing and Rewriting Sentences

Zero in on the underlined word, utilize the context of the sentence to discern what it means, and replace it with a synonym from the options.

Abbreviating Units of Measurement

Call forth your math skills if needed and zoom past these exercises, writing the short forms of units of measurement in the blanks given.

Abbreviating Units of Measurement

Is it "Lose" or "Loose"?

Figure out whether "lose" or "loose" fits each sentence better, keeping in mind that one of them is a verb, while the other is an adjective.

Checking Correct Words to Complete Sentences

Bear in mind that while both the options may appear correct, only one of them will make perfect sense when added to the given sentence.